Autoocupació - Serveis de Formació

Girona, Lleida, Online, Tarragona

Workers, unemployed or freelancers
240 hours
100% subsidised
Open enrolment


  • Understand any type of record both in face-to-face conversations and broadcast speeches.
  • Produce clear, fluid and well-structured messages.
  • Possess a good command of sustained language, and be aware of connotative levels of meaning.
  • Confidently participate in debates and discussions of complex content.
  • Understand and interpret a wide variety of forms of written language, with many colloquial turns, appreciating distinctions of style and meaning.
  • Write complex texts with clarity and fluency, with an appropriate and effective style, as well as with a logical structure.
  • Use a wider range of complex vocabulary with greater command, especially at the level of idiomatic expressions, metaphors, phrasal verbs and more elaborate descriptions.
  • Accurately convey nuances of meaning using a wide range of modification procedures.
  • Write formal letters, proposals and criticisms of between 300-350 words.

Who is the public target?

The course is primarily aimed at workers or freelancers.


  1. A. LANGUAGE SKILLSA.1 Lexical-semantic contentA.2 Grammatical contentA.3 Spelling contentsA.4 Phonetic and phonological contentsB. SOCIOLINGUISTIC AND SOCIOCULTURAL COMPETENCESB.1 Sociolinguistic and sociocultural contentC. Pragmatic COMPETENCESC.1 Functional contentsC.2 Discursive content


At the end of the training, an official certificate issued by the Consortium for Continuing Education of Catalonia certification is obtained which accredits the specific competences acquired in this training.


(CAT) Tarragona: B1: 5/06/2024; B2: 11/06/2024

Girona: B2: 05/06/2024; C1: 05/06/2024


(CAT) Tarragona: B1 dimarts i dijous de 18 a 21h; B2 dilluns i dimecres de 18 a 21h

Girona: B2 i C1 dilluns i dimecres de 18 a 21h


